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Training and Education

What you need to know

Image by Diana Măceşanu


If you wish to use a drone for commercial purposes or to assist you in your job, and you intend to fly aircraft less than 2kg in weight in standard operating conditions, you need to be ACCREDITED but not LICENSED. Our training aims to provide the theoretical knowledge you need as well as the flying skills and safety management approaches to accomplish your missions

Training Program

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Knowledge & Theory

This area of the training covers:
- legal requirements and rules
- Risk identification/mitigation
- Aircraft hardware
- Airspace management
- Weather conditions
- Flight planning, preparation & execution
- Safety management & organisational flying culture

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Practical Flying

This area of the training covers:
- Basic flying + aircraft control
- Pre and post flight checks
- Photography & videography techniques
- Emergency responses & handover/takeover procedures
- Mission flights customised to your requirements
- Data review and storage
- Essential recordkeeping & accountability

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Design and Cost

We work with you to design a course highly customised to your needs. Training can range from 1 on 1 to larger groups. Group size will depend on your learning objectives and how much practical flying experience is necessary for your work. Costs begin at around $1,200 per day.

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Length, Location & Resources provided

The standard accreditation course course is 1-2 days depending on existing skill and knowledge levels. About half the allocated time is spent in-the-field flying. We are based Canberra and Sydney and deliver training across NSW, ACT and VIC. Training material/resources and a certificate of attendance are included along with a fleet of drones for the practical flying component.

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