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Image by Possessed Photography

Solar Panel Inspection

In-Depth Panel Health Analysis

Residential Buildings with Solar Panels

Why get a solar inspection?

One of the biggest misconceptions of solar panels is that they are "set-and-forget". However solar panels have a limited lifetime and warranty and tend to degrade in performance over time. Cell or panel damage can cause a panel to consume energy rather than harvest it!

Having a regular inspection helps make sure your solar panels are operating efficiently.  The Clean Energy Council recommends maintaining your solar panels on a regular basis to ensure optimal performance and safety. Depending on your warranty we would recommend a thermal inspection every two years as good maintenance practice. 

What are the Benefits?

Drilling Metal

Nobody On The Roof

Using a drone to capture these images means there is no reliance on people walking on the roof or working at heights. This means no accidental damage or risk of injury. This work can also be done when there is nobody home, allowing for a hassle-free service.

Image by Markus Winkler

The Perfect Benchmark

Being able to see change over time is important when it comes to understanding the continuing efficiency of your panels. Having a thermal inspection done post installation or when you buy a home with existing panels is a smart move. It is also smart to have a thermal inspection prior to your warranty expiring.

Image by Eric Nopanen

Piece of Mind

Having piece of mind that your system is performing as expected can be well worth the time, money and minimal effort of arranging a thermal inspection.

Image by 2H Media

Pre end-of-warranty inspection

All panels come with some kind of warranty. Some panels do not survive their warranty period very well, showing degraded performance too early. Being able to replace a panel under warranty because of issues highlighted by an inspection will mean savings and longer lasting components.

How It All Works


  1. Contact us or fill in the form at the bottom of the page to start the booking process.

  2. Once booked in, we will aim to complete the job as early as possibly depending on weather. Assessments and written report will usually be completed within a period of 10 business days.

  3. Using specialised drone equipment we take a series of thermal and standard (RGB) imagery of your solar array.

  4. We process the images working closely with professional thermographers if any anomalies emerge.

  5. We send you a full report outlining the overall health of your solar panels and any recommended actions based on the findings. You also get access to a copy of the photographs for your records.

Mavic Inspecting Panels-2.jpg

Thermal Imaging


Believe it or not these two images are of the exact same thing!

However we can clearly see some anomalies in the image on the right. These are temperature differences which could mean a problem and the need for further investigation.

Almost all issues with solar panels identify themselves as temperature anomalies. We're able to detect small degree of difference in temperature. It's this examination which enables us to conduct a health check of each solar panel.

Pricing Guide

Aproximate cost

Up to 5kw System

Aprox 15 Panels


6kw System

Aprox 18-20 Panles


7kw system

Aprox 21-23 Panels


8kw system

Aprox 24-26 Panels


9kw system

Aprox 27-30 Panels


10kw System

Aprox 30-34 Panels


Above 10KW or Commercial Installations

< 35 Panels

Custom Quote

Contact us below for a quote

Contact us For a Quote

For the best quote please include...

  • kw rating of your system or number of panels

  • Address so we can asses flight conditions and area of operation including panel layout

  • any additional information about your system including age, installer, any expected damage or any scheduled maintenance conducted

Thanks for submitting!

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